Sunday, 7 May 2017

Summer Hill Hotel, Summer Hill

Date: 6th May 2017
Price: $23
Type: chicken... The "outback" schnitzel
With: egg, cheese, bacon and Beetroot(?)

For $23 you'd expect something pretty amazing, right?
Well, I got this. After getting past the "schnitzel on the chips" faux pas, we get to the toppings. What makes this "outback"? Is it all those pigs, chickens, cheese makers, and beetroot farms that are in the outback? Probably.
How did it taste? Well it wasn't offensive. Nothing about it was offensive, it was just a plain old schnitzel with out-of-place toppings and a half-arsed salad. Chips were fine.
2.6 out of 5.

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