The Gateway Hotel, Islington (Newcastle)
Date: 8th of JanuaryPrice: $5.00! Type: ChickenWith: Salad, chips and gravy.
This is great, they have $5 meals at the gateway hotel (g-club) now .. one of them being a schnitzel. The best bit is there are no catches, you dont have to get a drink with it and they didn't even charge me extra for gravy!
So this is what you get for $5 .. salad, chips, chicken schnitzel and your choice of sauce .. my friend got mayo. They arn't huge but not bad for 5 bux.Reviewer: Miss bel
Chatswood RSL Club, Chatswood, NSW
Date: 4th of JanuaryPrice: $11.00Type: ChickenWith: Veggies, lemon, gravy, a slice of tomato and a piece of lettuce.I know that RSL food is generally cheap and nasty, but this was just terrible.... and not overly cheap either. I can't put my finger on what was so wrong about it because there were too many things.Lemon AND gravy?Veggies AND "salad"?bah!Although i must say... the carrot were not boiled to oblivion like many club carrots
Note: the beers are cheaper than at any other RSL i've been to (if you're a member)